Riding the train from Kandy to Ella

Train from Kandy to Ella

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When planning our trip to Sri Lanka, taking the now famous, highly photographed and Instagram worthy train from Kandy to Ella was on the top of my list. I had researched my heart out, pinned articles about this train ride like crazy and even reached out to other bloggers to ensure the ride was worth the hype. I was concerned about taking *that* picture. You know the one, hanging out the side with one arm while the other is freely up in the air. There is no way I can judge because I was hoping to get this photo (I mean that is the image I had seen for inspiration).

As we piled into the train, the whole instagram vs. realty set in. Forget getting a photo of me, I could barely move! Good bye personal space, I will see you again soon. How I was supposed to take this Au natural photo when my photographer (aka instagram husband) and I were packed in so tight? The beginning was so cramped, that a couple even got on, then quickly decided the ride was NOT worth it. Close up to strangers (mostly fellow tourists) for 6 hours is not everyone’s cup of tea.

Thankfully we were able to have our bags in one of the suitcase shelves, but that means we would not be touching anything in our baggage for the majority of the ride. I had left my phone in my bag and for 6 hours I did not touch my phone. I KNOW. Did not post to my instagram story and even though I had a pocket wifi I wouldn’t be browsing the web. Instead I had multiple conversations with a woman from the Netherlands, England, and an older (beyond adorable) French couple.

We also made friends with another couple (also on their honeymoon) from Australia. Think Monica and Chandler from Friends when they return to NYC and talk nonstop about their friends they met on their honeymoon. We even ended up grabbing a meal in Ella with them when we got off.

Riding the train from Kandy to Ella

Riding the train from Kandy to Ella

Is the train from Kandy to Ella worth it?

Yes. First, it IS beautiful. Tea plantations, rolling hills and waterfalls are all seen from the outside of the train. Every turn was breath taking in it’s own way. For a half hour I sat with my legs out, taking photos on my camera and really embraced what a surreal experience it was. As the minutes turn into hours, people slowly would get off, and eventually you feel less like a sardine and more like a true train passenger. Although people claim the left side of the train is the most beautiful I found both had their amazing views. Similar to our time at Kuadulla National Park, this day was pretty surreal.

Riding the train from Kandy to EllaRiding the train from Kandy to EllaRiding the train from Kandy to Ella

Riding the train from Kandy to Ella

Riding the train from Kandy to Ella

Riding the train from Kandy to Ella

Riding the train from Kandy to Ella

The reason I loved the train from Kandy to Ella was not for reasons I though I would. Being unplugged with no internet is usually hard for me. It helps pass the time and we are a part of a generation who loves to share things in real time. The 6 hours FLEW by because of the people we met and the stories that were exchanged.

I am ALWAYS the one who loves to talk to my seat buddy on a plane (aka the person you probably hate) so I loved chatting with everyone. Other than taking photos, we were all embracing our travel day and no one was looking down at their phone. As a bonus, we all took turns sitting at the edge of the train, which really made the experience perfect!

Being in the moment

I hopped off the train realizing I had truly embraced TRAVEL. I know that seems quit strange, since the last year I have traveled a lot, but I had been in the moment. Met new people, took in epic views of Sri Lanka and appreciated the country to the fullest (without the gram). For me, the most amazing part was admiring a beautiful country with people from all over the world. We were all there from every corner of the globe appreciating Sri Lanka. I was unplugged and could really take in that I was a part of a train ride that is considered the most beautiful one in the world.

Sometimes do it for the gram. Sometimes forget the gram exists.

After many hours on the train, a tiny stop on the train – this is all I got other than a few selfies 😉

Riding the train from Kandy to Ella

Quick Tips

  • You can reserve beforehand 1st class tickets with seats 30 days ahead of time, but we wanted the full experience with open windows/doors. These tickets you can only get day of (2nd or 3rd class).
  • There are three trains a day, and most people take the 8:45 am (as we did).
  • Get there at least an hour early, and you will have time to grab a ticket, and wait for the train.

Riding the train from Kandy to Ella

“Traveling—it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”

Love always,


Riding the train from Kandy to Ella

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